Panama City with Babies – Panama Travel Guide

On our two week vacation to Panama we spent the majority of our time in the capital city. We made it our home base of sorts and kept passing through on our trips to San Blas and Santa Catalina.

Falling in Love with Casco Viejo

Casco Viejo is such a cool neighborhood and I was continually surprised at all of the cute bars and restaurants. It is old school charm is a much needed contrast to the empty looming skyscrapers downtown. Check out all of our Casco Viejo recommendations here.

Where to Stay in Panama City with Babies

We stayed at two different Airbnbs in Casco Viejo. Both were lovely but we were especially impressed with this one. It was super spacious for our family and in a great location. We switched Airbnbs because we had an impromptu early cancellation at our Santa Catalina hotel (more on that here!) and the first Airbnb we loved was already booked. The second one was great too though. You really can’t go wrong in Casco Viejo.

Before and after our trip to the San Blas Islands we stayed at the Waldorf Astoria. (Our friend works at Hilton so we got a good deal!) We were excited to treat ourselves to a five star experience, but it was a little dated and rundown to be honest. We did enjoy the pool though!

What to do in Panama City with Babies

Visit the Panama Canal

The obvious first choice, a trip to Panama City wouldn’t be complete without seeing the canal. We visited the Miraflores Locks. However, it is trickier than you think to see a boat go through. They have the times posted online but we found it to be a little off and by the time we arrived the boat was making its exit through the canal, but it was still cool to see! The ships go through in the morning and then they take a break before switching directions for the afternoon. The museum was closed when we were there, but the boats and canal itself were super cool!

After visiting the Miraflores Locks, check out the Mirador de las Américas for a great view of the canal and some fun dragon statues!

Funny Story: We were trying to explain the Panama Canal to two-year-old Marin and Grant found a YouTube video of the Animaniacs singing a song about it. We ended up singing the song every day (it’s very catchy!) and sweet Marin kept pronouncing it “Panama Corral”!

Go Shopping

Where we live in Costa Rica is hours from a big city (and a mall!) so we love to get in the hustle and bustle of a capital city. We had so much fun shopping and checking out the Christmas tree at the Multiplaza mall. We even ate at Benihana!

Aside from mall shopping, the boutiques in Casco Viejo are a must! We tried on Panama hats and bought a few gifts.

Visit Crazy Park

My friend actually lives in Panama City with her young kids so we had dinner with their family one night which was so fun! She gave us a lot of recommendations on what to do with kids and suggested Crazy Park. We went here a couple of times. It is a trampoline park meets arcade meets obstacle course and Marin absolutely loved it!

Play at Parks

There is a cute little playground shaped like a ship near the water in Casco Viejo.

We also enjoyed Parque Omar and walking along the Cinta Costera boardwalk.

There is also a small park near the Walforf Astoria hotel we stayed at.

Visit Taboga Island

Another friend of ours recommended a day trip to Taboga Island. It’s a 30-minute ferry ride from the city. We laid at the beach and ate seafood. We’re pretty spoiled with our beaches at home so while we had a fun day it was a bit underwhelming. Maybe it’s a better vibe on a sunnier day!

Visit the Gamboa Rainforest

This was a cool way to get into nature not far from the city. You can ride a little tram (like a gondola) through the rainforest. There are nice views of the canal from the top. This place seemed like it was thriving twenty years ago, but had a bit of a rundown vibe when we were there.

Where to Eat in Panama City with Babies

The Fish Market

We love a fresh fish market and this was no exception! We came here twice and Marin ordered his favorite “whole fish with the eyeballs” and we had ceviche! It was cheap, casual, and delicious. Totally recommend!

Casco Viejo

Read this post for a deep dive into drinking and dining in Casco Viejo, but don’t miss dinner at Fonda Lo Que Hay, beers at La Rana Dorada, and coffee at Unido.

If you’re looking for a metropolis feel in Central America, Panama City is it!

Sitting pretty in Panama City,


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